Aug 12, 2008

pics from fortnight archive

with the help of 2 lodz-based (emilia k. and maciej a.) and 2 berlin-based (isa and wilm) participants, i started
the "fortnight archive":
during 2 weeks, from july 26th to august 8th (i.e. one week before and one week after the workshop's kick-off),
every morning, they received a text message from me, with a topic for the day.
these were, for example, "day 2: my stuff - your things", "day 7: today's menue", "day 9: spy hole", ...
based on these topics, i asked them to make a photo with a disposable camera, a video recording of 10sec, a sound recording, some notes, and leave them to me afterwards, so that i could use the material.
this is not a settled project but some kind of controlled material collection with uncertain outcome.
a film will hopefully be ready on the finissage.
--- johanna naatz